
Commonly Used Git Commands

Posted by Lance on November 12, 2018


Enter the local directory first

cd directory

Initialize the folder

git init

Add files to staging area

git add <file>
git add -all

Add files to repository

git commit -m <message>

Show file status of working directory

git status

Show modified content of file in working directory

git diff <file>

Show history

git log

Change version

git reset --hard commit_id
git reset --hard HEAD^
git reset --hard HEAD^^

Watch command history

git reflog

Discard changes in working directory

git checkout --file

Remove files from the working tree and from the index

git rm test.txt
git commit -m "delete test.txt"
git push  
rm test.txt
git commit -am "delete test.txt"
git push  
git rm folder -r -f 
git commit -m "delete folder"
git push  

Connecting to Github

git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
git push origin master

Branch operation

git branch
git checkout -b dev
git checkout master
git merge dev  # merge dev branch into current branch
git branch -d dev

Overwrite local repo

git fetch --all # download remote repo
git reset --hard origin/master # HEAD points to the newest version

git提交到remote repo冲突

原因 两人同时fetch了一个分支。 第一个人修改后提交,第二个人提交就失败。



git push -f 可以提交,会将remote上第一个人的改动冲掉,比较暴力,不太好。


git fetch origin 然后git merge origin/master, 和本地分支合并, 之后再push


  1. 从git取数据(git clone)

  2. 改动代码

  3. 将改动传回git(git push)

这3个步骤又涉及到两个repository,一个是remote repository,再远程服务器上,一个是local repository,再自己工作区上。其中

1, 3两个步骤涉及到remote server/remote repository/remote branch,

2涉及到local repository/local branch。git clone 会根据你指定的remote server/repository/branch,拷贝一个副本到你本地,再git push之前,你对所有文件的改动都是在你自己本地的local repository来做的,你的改动(local branch)和remote branch是独立(并行)的。Gitk显示的就是local repository。

在clone完成之后,Git 会自动为你将此远程仓库命名为origin(origin只相当于一个别名,运行git remote –v或者查看.git/config可以看到origin的含义),并下载其中所有的数据,建立一个指向它的master 分支的指针,我们用(远程仓库名)/(分支名) 这样的形式表示远程分支,所以origin/master指向的是一个remote branch(从那个branch我们clone数据到本地),但你无法在本地更改其数据。

同时,Git 会建立一个属于你自己的本地master 分支,它指向的是你刚刚从remote server传到你本地的副本。随着你不断的改动文件,git add, git commit,master的指向会自动移动,你也可以通过merge(fast forward)来移动master的指向。

git branch -a (to show all the branches git knows about)

* master

remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master


git branch -r (to show remote branches git knows about)

origin/HEAD -> origin/master


可以发现,master就是local branch,origin/master是remote branch(master is a branch in the local repository. remotes/origin/master is a branch named master on the remote named origin)

git diff origin/master master (show me the changes between the remote master branch and my master branch).


git diff origin/master remotes/origin/master

git push origin master


master其实是一个“refspec”,正常的“refspec”的形式为”+:”,冒号前表示local branch的名字,冒号后表示remote repository下 branch的名字。注意,如果你省略了,git就认为你想push到remote repository下和local branch相同名字的branch。听起来有点拗口,再解释下,push是怎么个push法,就是把本地branch指向的commit push到remote repository下的branch,比如

git push origin master:master (在local repository中找到名字为master的branch,使用它去更新remote repository下名字为master的branch,如果remote repository下不存在名字是master的branch,那么新建一个)

git push origin master (省略了,等价于“git push origin master:master”)

git push origin master:refs/for/mybranch (在local repository中找到名字为master的branch,用他去更新remote repository下面名字为mybranch的branch)

git push origin HEAD:refs/for/mybranch (HEAD指向当前工作的branch,master不一定指向当前工作的branch,所以我觉得用HEAD还比master好些)

git push origin :mybranch (再origin repository里面查找mybranch,删除它。用一个空的去更新它,就相当于删除了)

git push频繁需要账号密码


  1. git remote -v查看远程连接方式
  2. git remote rm origin删除之前的HTTPS连接方式
  3. 复制远程repo的SSH地址
  4. git remote add origin SSH地址,更改为SSH连接方式
  5. 再用git remote -v查看远程连接方式
  6. git push不需要再输入账号密码了

Unkown Author

It is because you don’t set your user info, just use default git setting.

  1. backup your file (conflict)

  2. git reset --hard xxx to reset your local repo

    xxx means your previous right id

  3. git push -f to enable remote repo update

  4. Run from repository path :

    • git config --local -e

    • add these to the file and save

        name = your-github-name
        email = your-github-email
  5. add file (conflict) to local repo

  6. git add ., git commit -m "..." andgit push origin master

