1. Introduction
This is a simple tutorial for deploying Jekyll and Github Pages on Windows.
2. Jekyll on Windows
2.1 Ruby + Devkit installation
You need to go to official website: http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ to download x64 version installer (It depends on your system.)
2.2 Jekyll installation
check current gem source
gem sources -l
remove official gem source
gem source --remove https://rubygems.org/
add a new gem source
gem source --add https://gems.ruby-china.com/
ensure official gem source not in the list
gem sources -l
update gem
gem update --system
install Jekyll
gem install jekyll
2.3 Test Jekyll
2.4 Attention
Windows SSH
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your github Email"
Then find the public key in your disk,
Open your github SSH setting, copy the key into it.
That’s done!
display image
One way is to use relative address, not absolute address!
The other way is image hosting service (图床).First, you need to upload your images to image hosting service, then add images to Markdown by using URL address.