
Posted by Lance on December 21, 2018


Github Flavored Markdown Anchor

###Place 1
Hello, this is some text to fill in this, [here](#place-2), is a link to the second place.

###Place 2

Place one has the fun times of linking here, but I can also link back [here](#place-1).

Summary of conversion rules:

  • punctuation marks will be dropped
  • leading white spaces will be dropped
  • upper case will be converted to lower
  • spaces between letters will be converted to -
  • A good example document with plenty links and formatting is LivingSocial API Design Guide

Also, from my standpoint, anchor is really helpful when you want to create an index of one long long article. All you need to do is to normally use h tag to arrange your header, and then follow the format [name](#header-name) mentioned above.
​ With Typora, you can use [TOC] or side bar to preview your document structure since Github does not support this feature.

Markdown with HTML

When you create a Markdown document, you are willing to share with others by git push it to Github pages. In this case, it is a browser environment for readers. Some html tag may help you manage your structure as follows:

  • <p>paragraph</p>
  • html details tag




  • <font>font_setting</font>
  • <a id="create_anchor"></a>
  • &lt;html tag&gt;


Triple quotes with diff keyword to indicate update and deleted content.

+ new contents
- deleted contents
