
Chapter 3

Posted by Lance on January 5, 2019


This is a C++ string class demo, I think it is helpful to understand list.

class String // string is made up of an array of characters
	char* m_Buffer; // point to the buffer of chars
	unsigned int m_Size; // keep track of how big the string is
	String(const char* string) // constructor
		m_Size = strlen(string); // calculate how long the string is, so that we can copy the data from the string into the buffer
		m_Buffer = new char[m_Size + 1]; // decide how big of the buffer is
		memcpy(m_Buffer, string, m_Size);
		m_Buffer[m_Size] = 0;

	String(const String& other) // copy constructor
		: m_Size(other.m_Size) // it's just an integer, so shallow copy is okay
		std::cout << "Copied String!" << std::endl;

		m_Buffer = new char[m_Size + 1];
		memcpy(m_Buffer, other.m_Buffer, m_Size + 1);
	/*	: m_Buffer(other.m_Buffer), m_Size(other.m_Size)  // default copy constructor

	// or use another way to define copy constructor
	/*String(const String& other)
		memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(String));

	~String() // destructor
		delete[] m_Buffer;

	char& operator[](unsigned int index)  // operator overload
		return m_Buffer[index];

	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const String& string);
